Portland Oregon
Railroad Injury Lawyer
Baron Law Firm experience with product liability and personal injury cases, cupled with their experience with a case involving South Pacific Railroad has enabled them to deal with FELA claims in a timely and effective manner.
FELA allows an injured railroad worker to file a claim for past and future medical expenses, lost earnings, pain and mental suffering, and disability. The family of a railroad worker who dies in a fatal railroad accident is entitled to an FELA death benefit. There are strict time limits for filing an FELA claim after an accident or an injury (such as a repetitive stress injury) becomes apparent. It is important, if you have a serious injury such as a brain injury, spinal cord injury, burn, or electrical injury, that you speak with a lawyer with experience in FELA claims at the first opportunity, so they can preserve evidence and locate witnesses.
FELA covers all railroad workers, including: maintenance of way workers, brakemen, firemen, switchmen, engineers, welders, maintenance workers, mechanics, conductors, signalmen, yardmasters, cooks, and other railroad employees. In addition to accidental injuries, FELA covers repetitive stress injuries such as back strain and carpal tunnel syndrome, and environmental illnesses such as mesothelioma, asbestosis, silicosis, lung cancer, and leukemia.